Friday, August 31, 2007


Welcome to the DADA Seminar Week 9 and 10 blog on Death, Time and Animation!

Post your thoughts, articles and findings on the subject below.


Unknown said...

Dr. Itzhak Bars is a professor at USC in the physics department. There is what appears to be a lecture outline, which is currently the first result that appears on google when you search "Dr. Itzbak Bars":

Dr. Bars appears to be an expert on duality. It's hard to decipher from the rough outline, but it appears the "duality" that Dr. Bars specializes in is within time and space instead of the cliche human psychology (however, that should be apparent since Dr. Bars is in the Physics department).

Film of the week:
This is a poorly uploaded video of one of Bill Morrison's films. Bill Morrison is an experimental filmmaker who mostly deals with decaying cinema (in such a way that it could be considered animation). His most well known film is "Decasia" and he recently visited the USC Moving Image Archives in research on his next film. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

[url=]nitrix reviews[/url]